Music Performance
Having fun at Interlochen Arts Camp in Summer 2008. Video taken by Robert Satterlee.
I have a rich performance history
I have formal training in classical piano, organ, harpsichord, English handbells, and voice (soprano).
Some of my favorite performance activities include attending Interlochen Arts Camp as a piano major, touring Germany and the Czech Republic with my handbell choir, and performing harpsichord with my Baroque ensemble at the University of Pennsylvania.
I participated in the National Guild of Piano Teacher Auditions at the National and International levels from 1996-2009, earning the 10-year Paderewski Medal in 2006 and the High School Diploma in 2009. Some of my awards through high school include being named as a State Selection winner (NJ) at the Teen Arts Festival of Monmouth County (2008), a winner of the Organ Encounter Competition for High School Pianists, hosted by the American Guild of Organists Monmouth County Chapter (2006), and being featured in a Young Artist Concert sponsored by Steinway Piano Gallery at the Ocean Grove Auditorium in NJ (2008).
While at Interlochen, I was selected to perform in master classes with Olga Kern, Bill Lutes, and Arthur Rowe, and was a piano accompanist for the Interlochen Symphonic Band. I received an Arts Merit Scholarship for Piano Performance at Bucknell University, where I attended for one year before transferring to the University of Pennsylvania.
I served as a professional Church Musician at Old First Church in Middletown, NJ from 2008-2009, where I played piano during worship and at memorial services, led hymns, and accompanied solo artists and the church choir.
During college, I was an active participant in the University of Pennsylvania Baroque Ensemble and in the University Choir. I still sing and play piano for fun.